Goxhill Memorial Hall: Safety Instructions (Download information by clicking Hall and Instructions)
Welcome to Goxhill Memorial Hall. As the Hall's management committee we take pride in ensuring a safe environment for users of these facilities. All electrical equipment is regularly PAT tested, curtains are treated for fire resistance, fire escape exits are provided, two of which are suitable for disabled users, Fire extinguishers are also placed at various points throughout the building. (see drawing overleaf)
When you hire these facilities, you become responsible for the integrity of the building and its equipment, and for safety of those you invite/charge to attend your events.
Here are a few sensible safety precautions you need to take:
Electrical Equipment
· Any brought-in electrical equipment needs to be in good working condition with no frayed cables or faulty wiring. For commercial events all equipment to be PAT tested. Do not leave on unattended.
· All electrical equipment to be operated and supervised by an adult.
· No overloading of sockets
· Use electrical equipment on a solid surface, not on the CARPET or CHAIRS
Fire Prevention
· Keep flammable materials, (paper decorations, fabric etc) away from heat sources (Light bulbs, electrical equipment)
· When using the cooking facilities in the kitchen, these should be monitored by an adult. Switch off oven and hob after use.
· No smoking inside the building- This is against the law.
· No naked flames or candles, (mini cake candles allowed)
Goxhill Memorial Hall: Safety Instructions continued
Fire Escape
· Keep all exit points free from obstructions
· The push-open doors shown overleaf are the main fire exits. These are marked by emergency signs, if the power fails.
· The doors from the kitchen and snooker room are also EMERGENCY DOORS.
· If a fire starts, your first priority is to get everyone out -
Assemble in Car Park and check everyone is safe- Keep everyone out! - Phone the Fire Brigade!
Fire Fighting
· Fire Extinguishers are located as shown above.
· Only use Fire Extinguishers if you have been trained, and only if someone's life is in danger. Otherwise, get everyone out of the building. – Check toilets.
· DO NOT use water extinguishers for electrical or fat fires.
Fire Alarm
· There are a number of heat and smoke alarms in the hall. If these sound, please organise an orderly evacuation.
Emergency First Aid Box
An emergency first aid box can be found in the kitchen with the accident book. Please record all incidents.
Emergency Contact Numbers
Fire Service, Ambulance and Police --- 999
Village Hall Committee Rep: Booking Sec (Sam England): 01469 531097. Trustee Chairman (Ann Carter) 01469 530635)