Memorial Hall Background

The Memorial Hall was built by public subscription as a memorial to the men of the village who lost their lives in the First World War. It was opened by Sir Berkley Sheffield on 7th March, 1925. Set in the front wall of the hall are bronze plaques bearing the names of all those who died in both the First and Second World Wars. At some point in its history, so great was the Hall's use, it was necessary to extend the width of the original building by adding 12' wings on either side.
In recently years the Memorial Hall was run by the Parish Council but since September 2019, it reverted to being run by a committee of trustees. It has recently (Jan 2022) become registered as a CIO charity, a charity where the organisation rather than the individual trustees, is considered the legal entity.
Goxhill Memorial Hall is now registered as charity no. 1193651, a charity that is self financing. Set in its own corner plot, it has an impressive front entrance and a small car park at the rear. It has a snooker room in the main building (two tables), a tennis court at the western end of the site. There is also a bowling club on its grounds nearby (Manor Lane).
In 2015 the old, plastered front entrance was demolished and a larger entrance section built, incorporating new toilets and storage rooms at either side of the new emergency exit double doors. It is hoped these new facilities will ensure the buildings continued use for many years to come.