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                                                  GOXHILL MEMORIAL HALL –  Terms & Conditions of Hire (2023)       Page 1 of 2                                          



  • Goxhill Memorial Hall (‘the Hall’) is let on the conditions specified below by the Trustees of Goxhill Memorial Hall & Recreation Ground charity (‘the Charity’). A breach of any of these conditions is sufficient cause for the letting to be cancelled without compensation.

  • The person named and signing the booking form (‘the Hirer’) is personally responsible for any damage to the building or hall equipment during the hire period.

  • The Hirer undertakes to ensure everything is left in an orderly "as found" condition after use and should check all rooms used, including toilets. Cleaning materials are available in the kitchen cupboards.

  • Any nappies or waste food should be bagged and disposed of in the general waste bin in the car park.

  • Any damage during the hire period needs to be reported immediately to the Bookings Secretary and may result in the pre-paid deposit being withheld, or the cost of any repairs being sought from the hirer responsible.

  • If the cost of cleaning or repairs/replacement exceeds the bond amount, the hirer will be held responsible for the full cleaning/repair/replacement cost.

  • The Trustees are allowed admittance to all areas of the hall at any reasonable time.

  • The current cost for hiring the hall is £15 per hour.


Conditions of Hall Use

Accessing & Vacating the Hall - The Hall may be occupied for the purposes of setting up or clearing away (a) in the case of bookings of 2 hours or less, for 20 minutes before & after, and (b) in the case of bookings exceeding 2 hours for up to an hour before & after, the time specified on the booking form.


Television use Prohibited - The Hall does not have a television licence, so the use of any equipment capable of receiving television broadcasts is prohibited.


Closed Circuit Television - CCTV is in use in and around the Hall at all times. (see also CCTV policy for more details).


Restrictions on Sale of Food - Under the Hall's food licence, only items such as sandwiches and toasted teacakes may be prepared and sold on the premises. The kitchen cannot be used as a catering facility.

Cakes and snacks made elsewhere can however be brought in. All food should be prepared, handled and stored under hygienic conditions. Information about ingredients should also be available for those with food allergies

For private functions, where food is provided free to guests, there are no restrictions on the type of food.


Alcohol Sales – Normally, the sale of alcohol is prohibited at Goxhill Memorial Hall. However, a Temporary Events Notice, (‘TEN’) can be obtained by the Hirer, from North Lincolnshire Council for an event where alcoholic beverages are planned to be sold in the Hall or on the grounds of the Memorial Hall.

All TEN requirements must be discussed and agreed by the Bookings Secretary or the Hall trustees prior to any application to North Lincolnshire Council.

A copy of the TEN must be submitted to the Booking Secretary at least 1 week before the event, and must show clearly the name of the responsible person for the booking and the license holder, plus any supporting documentation, including the personal license holder’s license from North Lincolnshire Council.

Please consult with the Bookings Secretary prior to any TEN application as they are heavily restricted.

Private functions, where alcohol is being provided free to guests, are exempt from this requirement.


Gambling - The Hall holds a gambling licence permitting functions to be held where raffles, bingo and other games of chance may be enjoyed.


Health & Safety whilst Hiring the Hall – Hirers are responsible for the safety of themselves and all their guests during the time the hall is booked/ occupied by the hirer. All children must be supervised at all times. Any accidents or injuries where medical attention is needed should be recorded in the accident book (kitchen) and reported to the Bookings Secretary or any Hall Trustee, as soon as possible afterwards. Ensuring the safety of your guests / customers includes gritting of paths and steps in freezing weather. Grit salt is available in the grit box in the car park.

                                                                      GOXHILL MEMORIAL HALL – CONDITIONS of HIRE  cont.                                                 Page 2 of 2


Note: The Hirer is responsible for the safety of everyone on the premises during the hire period. #

(# See also Goxhill Memorial Hall: Safety Instructions.)


Safe Capacity - Fire regulations stipulate a maximum of 160 persons seated or 200 persons standing in the Hall. Overcrowding is not permitted at any time. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that all seats and tables are arranged to allow safe entrance to and exit from the Hall, free from any obstructions.


Control of Noise - The Hirer must ensure there is no undue noise when entering or leaving the Hall, particularly after 23:00hrs that might disturb the occupants of neighbouring houses.


No Smoking - Both smoking and vaping (e-cigarettes) are prohibited inside the Hall. Smoking or vaping outside in such a way that smoke/ vapor may blow into a hall entrance is similarly prohibited.


Insurance – The Hall’s insurance covers the Hall and it’s own legal obligations. It is therefore your decision whether to insure any property or personal possessions that you bring to the Hall. Under no circumstances can the Memorial Hall Charity be held responsible for any damage or loss to personal possessions of the Hirer or their guests. Hirer's organising any activities must also hold adequate public liability insurance for the said activity.


Heating & Electrical Safety - Do not touch the lighting or heating systems beyond operating them via the on/off and thermostat wall switches. Ensure that lighting is switched off and the thermostat restored to its base setting before leaving the hall.

Any additional lighting or electrical equipment may be used in the Hall, however all appliances must be PAT tested and the hirer is responsible for all third party equipment being tested and in good order. No equipment can be brought into the hall and left running unattended.


Fire Safety - All entrances and doorways must be kept clear of obstructions, whether or not signed as a ‘Fire Exit’, in case required for emergency evacuation of the Hall. Fire extinguishers are placed throughout the building for use in a case of fire; they are not otherwise to be moved or interfered with. No naked flames, fireworks or barbecues are to be used inside the hall at any time.

The Hirer is responsible for the safety of everyone on the premises during the hire period. #

(# See also Goxhill Memorial Hall: Safety Instructions.)


Safeguarding – Hirers are expected to submit their safeguarding policy for review, or agree to comply with the Hall's safeguarding policy instead. Tick one of the conditions below

I have read, understood and will fulfill my responsibilities under the Hall’s Safeguarding Policy (available on the website or in hard copy on request). ____________


I have submitted my safeguarding policy for review. __________


Bookings - Hall bookings should be made through the Booking Secretary:

Sam England, Chapel House, North End, Goxhill, North Lincolnshire DN19 7JN

telephone 01469 531097 - email


Payments & Hire Charges – The cost to hire the hall is £15 per hour and is payable before the booking commences.

Payment is acceptable by Cash to the Bookings Secretary, or via BACS to the following account:

Goxhill Memorial Hall and Recreation Ground, Sort: 30-96-97 A/C: 60268668


All bookings of more than 2 hours are provisional until a bond of £25 has been received by the Booking Secretary. Late cancellation of any bookings may result in charges being made. Failure to comply with any of the hiring conditions in this document may result in the forfeiture of any deposits paid and could affect future hire of the Hall.



I agree to adhere to this hire agreement __________________________________________ date: ___________


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                                                                                                                                                                                         BOOKING  FORM 



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