The Main Hall
When booking the Main Hall you will have access to the two side wings, the main bulk of the hall, and the stage and the kitchen. If you wish to use the meeting and snooker rooms as well, extra hire charges will be incurred.
Costs for hiring of the hall is £15/hr Monday to Sunday, with a small discount for weekly hirers.
(Note: From 2017, Premium days such as New Years Eve, Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and Valentine's Day are charged at £16/hour)
The Hall comes with 20 collapsible tables and 150 chairs, plus bistro coffee tables in the wings. There are enough plates, cups and saucers in the kitchen for 50/60 guests. Hirers are asked to supply their own cutlery.
Toilet facilities include the new gents and disabled toilets off the hall, as well as the ladies and entertainers toilet either side of the stage entrance.
There is also a well-tended patch of grass to the side of the hall, used for garden fetes, and outside entertainment during the warmer months.